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Blue Star Software

This product is outdated! Support for this product has been stopped.
If this product was a beta product may documentation, installer and/or features are missing.



ISDN-Callermonitor for CAPI2.0



  • Review of the last 7 days

  • Reading out of incoming calls
    To use this feature, you must have a tts-engine installed. A tts-engine is a system which converts text into speech. An example of such a system would be IBM-VAIVOICE.
    If you have more than one tts-system installed, you can choose which one you would like to use!

  • Popup-Window
    When an incoming call is detected you can have a pop-up-window opened which shows the information of this call.

  • Telnet-Server
    You can connect to the program via a telnet client and review the calls of the last 3 days.


Latest Version: MCID